Enregistrer les musiques populaires - Recording popular music

XXIII IASPM Biennal International conference, 7-11 july 2025, Paris (France)

IASPM-bfE and Sorbonne Nouvelle University

How to submit

Sciencesconf account creation

If you don’t have a Sciencesconf account, you need to create one to be able to submit your paper. You can log into Sciencesconf with your HAL account; if you do, make sure the email address you are using is up to date.

To create an account, click on the “Login” button at the top right corner, then on “Create an account”:


Follow the steps to create your account.

Note : when clicking on the link to validate your account, you may see an "Invalid token" error message. Click "OK", then close the page or tab and visit the conference homepage again (https://iaspm-paris2025.sciencesconf.org). You should be able to log into your account despite the error message.


After creating and validating your Sciencesconf account, you can submit your paper by following the three steps described below.


Please fill up the fields as indicated:

  • Title
  • Abstract: in addition to your text (250-300 words), make sure to include:
    • A short bibliography
    • Additional sources (if applicable)
    • A short bio-bibliography
    • Your IASPM branch
  • Topic (1-3)
  • Language
  • Keywords



Click on “Add an author”, enter the info and confirm:


You can add authors if you are submitting a collective paper. The author order will also appear in the final submission. Drag and drop authors to arrange them in the desired order.


Ensure the information is correct, then click on “Submit”. You can edit steps 1 and 2 if needed. After submission, the corresponding author(s) will receive a confirmation email.

Contact the organising committee if you have any question: iaspmparis2025@sorbonne-nouvelle.fr

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